Fullwidth FAQs

What can I expect when I make my first appointment?

On your first visit to Midleton Physiotherapy Clinic,  you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire; Midleton-Physio-receptiondetailing your past medical history and any current medications that you may be taking.  We will then take a thorough history, followed by an examination to determine the underlying problem. You may be asked to undress so that we can see your spine or limbs fully.

You may need to bring a vest top if you are having treatment for your shoulder or neck.  Shorts can be supplied.  Please allow 45 minutes for your treatment.  You will have the opportunity to ask questions or discuss your therapy plan with your Physiotherapist during this time.

 What do I need to bring with me to my initial appointment?

If you have any relevant X-ray or MRI scan reports please bring them along with you and a list of current medications if you don’t know the names. You may be asked to remove some of your clothing so that the area of assessment can be seen clearly. A vest top for ladies may be appropriate and shorts are useful also. Shorts can be provided if you require.

How much does a Physiotherapy session cost?

A treatment session is €65 for 45 mins. 

Am I covered by my health insurance?

Yes all ‘Chartered Physiotherapists’ are covered by all the major Health insurers, including VHI, LAYA, Hospital Saturday Fund, Glo Health and Aviva. Many health insurance plans offer some level of cover Insurance-Logosfor outpatient expenses. You will need to check with your insurer the level of cover for your selected plan. We issue receipts on completion of your treatment which you can submit to your health care provider when making a claim.

How many sessions of treatment will I require?

This is a very difficult question to answer as each case is individual.  There are so many variable factors in your recovery, however, you can be assured we will do everything possible to make your recovery a speedy one.

We also encourage you to participate fully in your recovery and where appropriate will suggest some home exercises for you to follow during your treatment and / or for maintenance.  Please feel free to discuss this with your Physiotherapist during your assessment.

Do I need a GP referral?

A GP referral is not necessary, however we often liaise with your GP when required if certain investigations or test results are needed to ensure your optimum care.

What form of payment do you accept?

We accept Cash, cheque or cards.

Are you wheelchair accessible?

Please notify reception staff if you require wheelchair access, prior to your appointment, as we have ramp access at the rear of the building.

If you have any other questions, or would like to make an appointment, please call us on 021-4631119click-to-call-2

Where Can I Park ? 

Parking is on street outside the clinic or on St Mary’s road. Please note the area can be quite busy due to school traffic in the early morning and at collection time. Alternatively, you can park in the church yard at the end of St Mary’s Road.

What is a Chartered Physiotherapist?

A Chartered physiotherapist is University trained to the highest academic and professional standards and bound by a code of ethics.

iscplogotransparent100dpiChartered Physiotherapists in Ireland are members of the ISCP (Irish society of Chartered physiotherapists) and continue to keep up to date with the latest developments in the profession through continuous professional development. All Physiotherapists working in Midleton Physiotherapy Clinic are Chartered Physiotherapists.

Can I claim tax relief on my treatment costs?

Yes, outpatient Physiotherapy is eligible for tax relief at 20%.You can claim this with a MED1 form when doing your tax return.